Helpful Hands

An Overview of Government Benefits For Retired Seniors in Canada

An Overview of Government Benefits For Retired Seniors in Canada by Enoch Omololu Updated January 9, 2021 Advertiser Disclosure There are a number of federal and provincial programs and benefits that complement other sources of income seniors have in retirement. When it comes to how much you will need to retire comfortably, there is no easy answer. […]

Pandemic News

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Current situation COVID-19 outbreak update Latest announcements COVID-19 data trends Canada’s response Vaccines Vaccines, rollout, safety Authorized vaccines Travel and immigration Travel, testing, quarantine and borders ArriveCAN Immigration and citizenship Recent flights with potential COVID-19 exposure Financial and economic support For individuals and businesses Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) Canada Emergency Wage […]

Seniors Services – City of Toronto

COVID-19 Toronto is subject to a province-wide Stay-at-Home order. Stay home except for essential reasons and get health updates and information about COVID-19 vaccines at SearchIncrease text sizeA+Decrease text sizeA-I want to… Services & Payments Community & People Business & Economy Explore & Enjoy City Government City of Toronto Community & People Children, Youth, Parents […]

Alzheimers Disease what have we learned in the last 100 years

Alzheimers Disease was discovered in 1901 by Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a leading neurologist in Germany. The concerned family of a 51 year old woman requested his help. The woman was having memory problems. She was also beginning to have problems with understanding the words when people were talking to her and increased difficulty speaking. He […]

Seven Tips for Aging Well

You’ve probably heard a lot about wellness in the past few years—from “wellness initiatives” in the workplace to fitness classes promising that they will “restore your wellness.” Healthcare plans emphasize wellness now too—Medicare covers an annual wellness visit as well as a variety of other preventive health services. But what exactly is wellness, and how can you implement it in your everyday life? […]

Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s Disease: What is the Difference?

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia. Alzheimer’s is a specific disease. Dementia is not. Learning about the two terms and the difference between them is important and can empower individuals with Alzheimer’s or another dementia, […]